Friday, June 13, 2014

The Mad man's God's there

If the prayers are not answered before the person changes his prayers and starts asking for death, people become certain that either this person is mad or GOD is angry on him. They start suggesting him to ask for forgiveness, where the person, keeps trying to compose himself. All such short tempered, narrow minded and conclusive people, for me, are below average ones since they can not remain the same in varying circumstances. Credit must go to the sinner, who they think could be, for keeping the same track,
but whosoever changes his prayers to the prayers of death, then it could clearly question about his certainty of faith.

A faithful person never changes his prayers to the prayers of death because he knows that his Lord, is the Lord of the worlds and it is not possible that he will not listen. He does listen and for sure answers the prayers at the same time or may be before but changing the nature disturbs the sequence of events and that is why, every prayer takes some time to show results. Meanwhile the servant of Lord must not think that the Lord will not answer. He does answer but it takes sometime for everything to be operational. For example, it took 6 days for earth creation, where it was possible for the Lord to create the earth within no time. It shows that everything takes time, be it anything and makes us understand that Lord can answer our prayers but we may need to wait for sometime until it shows results.


  1. only with the passage of time we get knew that God always has something better for us.

    1. Very true :) and the LORD knows better. Thanks for taking time to read through.

  2. there is always a time on everybody when we are asking for something to our Lord and he didn't fulfil our prayers and we get angry and after some time we get knew that the thing we were asking was not good for us and Allah give us better.

  3. yes and we must not lose our faith. He is the LORD of the worlds and knows everything and has control over everything so why not just maintain our faith and wait for HIS guidance :)

  4. Not only Muslims but non Muslim also pray to God. And HE knows what to give and when.

    1. Dear Shehla, Thanks a lot for reading all of it :) and your support is much acknowledged

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I'm a wandering watchdog.